Poems and Memories
Ivan Grosz 
He was a boy from a small town on the plains of Transylvania,  Romania. She was a girl from a small town in the Carpathian Mountains,  far away.  The chance made them meet and fall in love and they started on a distant  journey.  She was  lively,  she was  lovely,  she was  funny,  she was  the  toast of  the  town.  She was my sunshine,  she was our sunshine.
My poems in her memory give voice to my deep,  deep sadness.  Do not look for her,  stop searching,  she is again far away.  She is the girl from your previous life...
                                                                           April 8,  2007
Sad, Sad Earth...

Sad,  sad Earth
You covered my sweetheart

Sad,  sad Day...
When the Angels took her away

Sad,  sad Path...
Guiding here my sweetheart...

Sad,  sad Place...
Where my sweetheart was carried to stay

Sad,  sad Space...
For all the mourners to wail

Sad,  sad Eyes...
With tears flowing astray

Sad,  sad Heart...
Shattered but beating so far

Sad,  sad Stars...
Will not shine for her from above

Sad,  sad Earth
You covered my sweetheart   
To My Beloved

he was my sunshine,  she was our sunshine, The girl with the unforgettable,  kind and winning smile.
Her memory will stay with us forever Part of the early morning’s glory  And the evening’s fading light.
To Etta,  my beloved,  to who belonged my heart
I Should Have Known

She was the girl from my previous life
I should have known,  you told me so...

You shouldn’t search for her sunny smile
She was the girl from my previous life.
I should have known,  you told me so...

You shouldn’t wait for her breezy steps
She was the girl from my previous life.
I should have known,  you told me so...

You shouldn’t miss her starry eyes
She was the girl from my previous life.
I should have known,  you told me so...

You shouldn’t miss her warm embrace
She was the girl from my previous life.
I should have known,  you told me so...

She was the girl from my previous life
I should have known,  you told me so...
Both Of Us

The leaves will fall on Both of us
The Snow will cover Both of us
The Stars will shine on Both of us
Time will go by,   Both of us...
Pământ Cuprins de Tristete...

Pământ cuprins de tristete...
Te asterni peste dragostea mea

Zii plină de tristete...
Cu ingeri veniti după ea

Drum asternut cu tristete...
Ai condus dragostea mea

Loc pătruns de tristete...
Ce ai primit dragostea mea

Sol coplesit de tristete...
Cu oameni ce plâng după ea

Ochi înrositi de tristete...
Cu lacrimi se vor tot revărsa

Inimă bătând cu tristete...
Tu nu te mai vei îndrepta

Stele lucind cu tristete...
Peste tine nu vor veghea

Pământ cuprins de tristete...
Te asterni peste dragostea mea
Cum Nu Stiai

E doar o Fată din al tău indepărtat trecut
Cum nu stiai,  când eu de-atâtea ori ti-am spus...

Nu căuta al ei surâs sublim
E doar o Fata din al tău îndepărtat trecut.
Cum nu stiai,  când eu de-atâtea ori ti-am spus...

Nu asculta adierea pasilor ei grăbiti
E doar o Fata din al tău îndepărtat trecut.
Cum nu stiai,  când eu de-atâtea ori ti-am spus...

Nu mai veghea să-i prinzi ai ochilor sclipiri
E doar o Fată din al tău îndepărtat trecut.
Cum nu stiai,  cînd eu de-atâtea ori ti-am spus...

Nu te astepta la acele dulce mângăieri
E doar o Fată din al tău îndepărtat trecut.
Cum nu stiai,  când eu de-atâtea ori ti-am spus...

E doar o Fată din al tău îndepărtat trecut
Cum nu stiai,  când eu de-atâtea ori ti-am spus... 

Frunzisul se va asterne peste Noi Doi
Viscolul ne va învălui pe Amândoi
Stelele vor veghea peste Noi Doi
Timpul se va strecura pe lângă Amândoi...
Szomoru Föld...

Szomoru Föld...
Eltakartad Kedvesem

Szomoru Nap...
Elvittek az Angyalok

Szomoru Út...
Elhoztad a Kedvesem

Szomoru Hely...
Elfogadtad Kedvesem

Szomoru Tér...
Ahol anyi Gyászólo megfér

Szomoru Szemek...
Amik anyi könyet ejtettek

Szomoru Sziv...
Amely meghasadva tovább dobog

Szomoru csillagok...
Többet Neki nem ragyogtok
Hogy Nem Tudtad

Ez csak egy léany a régmesszi multadbol
Hogy nem tudtad,  oly sokszor elmondottam...

Ne keresd a ragyogó szép mosolyát
Ez csak egy léany a régmesszi multadbol.
Hogy nem tudtad,  oly sokszor elmondottam...

Ne várd hallani a halk lépését
Ez csak egy léany a régmesszi multadbol.
Hogy nem tudtad,  oly sokszor elmondottam...

Ne kutasd a fényt a tündöklö szemében
Ez csak egy léany a régmesszi multadbol.
Hogy nem tudtad,  oly sokszor elmondottam...

Ne reménykedj egy forró ölelésbe
Ez csak egy léany a régmesszi multadbol.
Hogy nem tudtad,  oly sokszor elmondottam...

Ez csak egy léany a régmesszi multadbol
Hogy nem tudtad,  oly sokszor elmondottam... 

A levelek ránkhulanak Mindkettönkre
A hófuvás befed majd Mindkettönket
A csillagok lenéznek Mindkettönkre
Az idö ottfelejt Mindkettönket
Traurige Erde

Trübe,  traurige,  Erde...
Die meine Liebste verberget

Trüber,  trauriger,  Tag
Wenn das Englein zu Dich sich begab

Trüber,  trauriger,  Weg
Bringt Dich mit Blumen belegt

Trüber,  trauriger,  Ort...
Nur Kummer und Tränen sind dort

Trübes,  trauriges,  Herz...
Was für tiefer,  gewaltiger Schmerz

Trübe,  traurige,  Sterne...
Sie leuchteten für Dich ja so gerne

Trübe,  traurige,  Erde...
Die meine Liebste verberget
Nie Wieder

Suche nicht um Ihr süsses Gesicht
Des Mädels die Du nie wieder siehst...

Warte nicht auf Ihr frölichen Schritt
Des Mädels die Du nie wieder siehst...

Schaue nicht um Ihr strahlendem Blick
Des Mädels die Du nie wieder siehst...

Vermiss nicht Ihr so liebigen Kuss
Des Mädels die Du nie wieder siehst...
Uns Beide

Der Herbst hat uns schon beide verdeckt
Der Schnee wird uns beide begraben
Der Schimmer der Sterne von oben herab
Wird uns beide bestrahlen
Die Zeit kommt bei mit langsamen Schritt
Und wird uns beide verlassen...